- 2017 favorites
2018 favorites
2019 favorites
2020 favorites
2021 favorites
2022–23 favorites
2024 favorites (new 1/2025)
Abrahamsen: Schnee
The essential John Luther Adams
Graciela Agudelo (1945–2018)
Andriessen: Theater of the World
- Dominick Argento (1927–2019)
Ana-Maria Avram (1961–2017)
- Seattle Symphony performs Attahir, Fauré, Ravel (new 2/2025)
- Bartók: Violin Sonatas
- Beckett, openness and
experimental cinema
Leonard Bernstein as performance: Bradley Cooper's Maestro
Berio and Boulez in Morlot's farewell [untitled] for Seattle Symphony
Harry Belafonte: The Angel
Berlioz at Seattle Opera:
Beatrice & Benedict
Boulez: Complete Works
- Bruckner: String Quintet
- Busoni: Doktor Faust (Jordan/Grüber, Zurich
- Cage:
- Cage, Jones, Namtchylak,
Sciarrino, Westerkamp et al: 20 Jahre Inventionen II
Elliott Carter (1908–2012)
- George Crumb in retrospect (new 5/2024)
Elena Dubinets to Concertgebouw (new 11/2024)
- Hanns Eisler at 125
Heiner Goebbels and Gavin Bryars: Recovered Voices and Radical Music
- Hába Centenary
- Barbara Hammer (1939–2019)
- Harris: Piano Quintet,
String Quartet No. 3, Violin Sonata
- Hartmann: Concerto funčbre, Suites and
Sonatas for solo violin
- Horse Lords in Seattle (new 7/2024)
- Jerry Hunt:
Ichiyanagi: Sapporo
- Ives: Symphonies Nos. 3–4 et
al (Seattle Symphony, Morlot)
Scott Johnson: Mind Out of Matter
Garth Knox: Crystal Paths for viola d'amore and Partch instruments
Oliver Knussen (1952–2018)
Kurtág: Kafka Fragments
- David Lang: symphony without a hero
- Langgaard: Symphonies
Hannah Lash: The Peril of Dreams
Steve Layton: No Answer
- Ligeti:
Andrew Lloyd Webber: The Phantom of the Opera
Cecilia Lopez: Red/Machinic Fantasies
Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame
Stuart McLeod: Tetratys - All Is Number
- Monteverdi/Frescobaldi: Salve
Regina, newly discovered works
The Best of Thelonious Monk: The Blue Note Years
- Jean Negulesco: The Invincible Six
- Phill Niblock:
Pauline Oliveros (1932–2016)
- Partch:
Piano Drop at Jack Straw Cultural Center
- Preljocaj: La Fresque
(music by Nicolas Godin)
Prokofiev: Quintet
- Reich: Come Out as classic minimalism
- The Residents
Andrew Rudin: Tragoedia
Rzewski at 80: Directions inevitable or otherwise
Eric Salzman (1933–2017)
- George Schell obituary
Dieter Schnebel (1930–2018)
- Schoenberg: Moses und Aron
(Ruhrtriennale 2009)
- Seattle Symphony announces 2023–24 season
Matt Shoemaker (1974–2017):
Untuxed, and Shostakovich, return to Seattle Symphony (new 9/2024)
- Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring
(reconstructed 1913 version)
- Taruskin: The Oxford History of
Western Music
Cecil Taylor (1929–2018)
Tippett: The Ice Break
Woody Vasulka (1937-2019)
- Zappa:
Bernd Alois Zimmermann: Music for the (Un)faint of Heart